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Category Archives: Uncategorized
July 30 London to Brantford, Ontario
This was pretty much a perfect day as we breezed along the country roads of very rural Ontario. This was a short day — only 68 miles — so we slept late and departed at 8:30 (or 08:30 as Cap’n … Continue reading
July 29 Port Huron, Michigan to London, Ontario
At 5:00 AM, it looked like we would have a miserable day today. We were in the midst of a major thunderstorm, a huge sound and light show accompanied by torrential rain. Wait… I wrote that yesterday … is time … Continue reading
July 28 Birch Run to Port Huron, Michigan
At 5:00 AM, it looked like we would have a miserable day today. We were in the midst of a major thunderstorm, a huge sound and light show accompanied by torrential rain. By the time we left at 7:30, however, … Continue reading
July 24 Fond du Lac to Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Today, we had a short 57-mile run to the western edge of Lake Michigan. This really is the Land o’ Lakes — we rode past dozens of them. We also rode through small towns with names like St. Peter, Marytown, … Continue reading
July 23 Wisconsin Dells to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Quick — which state has more lakes, Minnesota or Wisconsin? An all-American day as we cruised through small towns in Wisconsin with names like Packwaukee, Montello, and Princeton. All the towns are neat and trim and tidy — it’s very … Continue reading
July 20 Mankato to Rochester, Minnesota
How many kernels does an average ear of corn have? Which four states account for over 50% of the corn grown in the United States? Does corn create humidity by releasing water vapor into the air? These are the kinds … Continue reading
July 18 Sioux Falls, South Dakota to Worthington, Minnesota
The South Dakota chapter of the National MS Society threw a party yesterday to welcome us to Sioux Falls and to promote their Bike MS ride on August 6 and 7. They even had a rock and roll band — … Continue reading
July 15 Chamberlain to Mitchell, South Dakota
A change in wind direction brightened my mood considerably today. After two days of headwinds, the wind calmed down today. For most of the ride, the wind was completely still. On occasion, it actually blew in the same direction we … Continue reading
July 14 Pierre to Chamberlain, South Dakota
There are a lot of flags in South Dakota and they all seemed to be pointing directly at us today as we battled a second day of stiff, steady headwinds. Yesterday we had rain to go with our headwinds. Today … Continue reading
July 13 Wall to Pierre, South Dakota
Just whistle while you work Just hum a merry tune Just do your best and take a rest and sing yourself a song Have you ever gotten a song into your head and you just can’t get rid of it? … Continue reading